Hosteller How - To save money for budget travel

By Akansha
16 Mar, 2023
Caught you! You clicked on the link just because you want to travel. You wish to catch that train, dive into the beaches, get tanned under the tropical sun, dance your lives out at parties, make new best friends for life, get lost in new places, go wild in adventures and smile back at the amazing experiences you just had. And you have no idea how you can do it with the little money you have. No worries. we are here to help you and give tips on how to save money for your budget travel. It is all about making some little changes in your life.

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Here Are A Few Tips On Saving For Your Travel And Exploring Budget Travel In India -
1. A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

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Plan things first. You cannot start anywhere here. Not without having an idea of what you are going to do after getting off the train. Make a schedule or just a simple map on your daily itinerary. Include all the places on this map you want to visit. Also, do a rough calculation of how much you are going to spend on food and stay. This is a necessity for all-alone budget travel. Add some bucks for your shopping desires too. Now calculate how many days are left for your trip.
2. Time To Dust Your Piggy Bank

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Know how much you want to spend on travel? It is time to work out your plan. The most simple way is to drop money into your pretty piggy bank. If you are planning a bigger journey, then open a bank account. Anyways, the formulas are the same for both. Keep track of your expenses for a week. Now that you know what you have spent your bucks on, distinguish the "Needs and Wants". Let's assume the need is your lunch, the want may be your ice cream for dessert. Make a budget to spend for a day, say 400 INR. The remaining money goes to your piggy. Try to also include the extra money you saved in a day from the budget.
3. Be Ready To Burn Some Calories

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How wonderful would it be to lose some pounds before you travel? Here is the secret on how to save for your healthy travel. Take a break from your gym. Instead, go for a walk or jog every morning engulfing some positive energy from the rising sun. Avoid taking that luxury drive in your car if your office is quite nearby. Start a bit early, and take that bus which will save you more than you think. Here comes the hardest part. Cut all your cravings for some time or at least to an extent.
4. Make It A Happy Saving

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The real challenge is the weekend. The happy weekending is not all about the Saturday parties. The real fun can even be in your home. Throw a house party and invite your friends over. Get things from a nearby supermarket. This will just cost one by third of what you eat and drink at parties. The best part is that you can play your favourite songs, watch your favourite movies and have some late-night conversations. Thus saving for your budget travel.
5. Knock Off A Step To Quit Your Addiction

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Are you the Netflix binge-watcher drooling away your time. This is your chance. Enjoy watching that movie that's running on the television with your family. You finally get to have some family time too. This might seem like a little money, but in the end, it will help you to book your tickets. At the end of the month, you will be a new YOU. Let the journey you take be a fresh start.
6. Try To Make Some Extra Money

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Don't wait for the clock to strike five so you can rush out of your office. Do some extra shifts if possible so that you can add some extra bucks to your piggy. Try to work for others if they are on leave. By the month-end, you might get some bonus as well.
If you don't have a job do not worry. Time to turn your hobbies into a business. You love painting, cooking, crafting, writing or vlogging. Anything at all, think of a way to make money out of it. Start selling your paintings to some gallery, try delivering homemade foods to office-going people, start a page on Instagram for handmade gifts, or enrol yourself for an online job.
Before We End, Here Are Little Things To Keep In Your Mind For Budget Travel -
Do Not Borrow Money
Your memories would make you feel guilty if you have debts back home. It is always better to book hostels as it will save you more money than you think. Also, get to know the services that will provide you with inexpensive charges for adventures.
Stay Motivated
Keep your wallpaper of the place you want to go to. This might keep you right on track reminding you not to spend money on that milkshake.
Monitor Your Expenditure
There are so many apps to help you keep track of your daily expenses. You can also sell unwanted electronics online or the old books piled up in your home. Save some comfort routine costs. Wash your car yourself, make Youtube your yoga tutor or cut the parlour appointment.
