10 Things you need to pack for winter trips

10 Things you need to pack for winter trips

By Ruchi Joshi

13 Mar, 2023

4 mins read

Winter season, across the world, brings a bunch of festivals and holidays which makes it the best time to indulge in some travelling and soul searching. As much as it is fun to spend the holidays with friends and family, it is more fun when you travel together. Considering different locations experience different kinds of weather and temperature during winter, it becomes important to pack the right things and be prepared to handle the cold atmosphere. You can refer to the below-mentioned list of things to pack for winter trips. So shall we get to packing?

Here’s A List Of 10 Things To Pack For Your Winter Trips -

1. Lock Down The Heat

woollen clothes

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Oh, we don't mean fire. What we mean is pack a couple of pairs of thermal wear. They are easier to pack in the bag as they don't occupy a lot of space but help you keep warm in cold environments, especially the places where it snows.

2. Layer Up 

Layer up

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You know just one layer of thermal wear or sweater is not enough when the temperature falls below 0° C. So pack a sweater, cardigan, gloves, mitten, woollen socks, and a heavy jacket which can be worn as the top layer and which doesn't occupy too much space in your luggage. To save space, you can wear the jacket while you are in transit.

3. Stomp Away

winter shoes

Picture - Unsplash

Your regular canvas shoes will not work for you in a cold climate. Take a pair of sturdy waterproof shoes. They will help you walk and trek easily. Also, since they are waterproof you don't have to worry about snow melting inside your boots. It'll make your life easier.

4. Bottles Up

for warmness

Picture - Unsplash

While travelling in a cold climate, you will be grateful to find a hot beverage to warm up your body and your hands. Take along with you a thermal bottle which can keep the liquid inside it warm at all times. A warm cup of tea or coffee would just be perfect, wouldn't it?

5. No Aachhhoooooo!


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There is always a possibility of catching a cold in the winter. You wouldn't want the common cold to ruin your trip, would you? Take a bunch of medication along with you in case you experience a cough and headache. If you are on prescribed medication for certain health conditions, do not forget them.

6. Say No To Dry Day


Picture - Unsplash

Our skin feels dry during winter because of the cold and if you are travelling to colder regions, don’t forget to carry a bottle of moisturizer and body lotion along with you. Keep yourself and your skin hydrated. Out of all the things to pack for winter trips, this one is a must!

7. Chapped Lips No More

lip scrubs for chapped lips

Picture - Unsplash

It is advisable to carry chapstick or lip balm. The winter cold can be quite harsh for your lips and when they crack, it becomes irritating and even a bit painful. Take care of your lips so that they can help you hog more yummy food on your trip.

8. Savior From The Unruly Smell

saviour from smell

Picture - Unsplash

Come on, none of us take daily baths in winter, right? Some days it is too cold to get into the shower and it's okay to skip it once in a while. For one of those days, carry a bottle of deodorant to keep the bodily odour at bay.

9. Wipe It Off

winter essentials

Picture - Unsplash

Keep a pack of wet wipes and tissue along with you. You can even take along a couple of napkins to maintain hygiene.iPSince the pandemic, we have all adopted hand sanitisers so carrying them goes without saying.

10. Shield Yourself

umbrella for protection

Picture - Unsplash

Not Captain America's shield, silly! We mean umbrellas. You must be wondering why we are asking you to carry an umbrella in winter, right? Well, in case you are travelling to regions that experience snowfall then umbrellas will keep you safe and make your trip more enjoyable.

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